Bee Explosions are handmade on the Gower Peninsula, South Wales, using a mix of red clay powder, peat free compost, water and UK native seeds.
Ideally throw in the Autumn or Spring prior to rainy weather, but can be thrown at anytime of year. Help them grow by watering them during dry periods.
Bee Explosions contain 32 Species giving a mega mix of seeds including - Dwarf Sunflowers, Borage, Corn Marigold, Cornflower, Clover, Evening Primrose, Lady’s Bedstraw, Black Medick, Salad Burnet, Buttercup,Red Campion, White Campion, Wild Carrot, Corn Chamomile, Corn Cockle, Ox-eye Daisy, Goatsbeard, Common Knapweed, Common Poppy, Field Scabious, Common Sorrel, Bird’s foot Trefoil, Yarrow, Yellow-rattle and many more. Seeds may vary depending on availability
Seed bombs can be stored for 2 years in cool dry conditions prior to use.
Children should be supervised. Small parts. Do not consume.
Store in cool, dry conditions.
Follow us on FB : Gower Flower Company
200 x Bee Explosion Wildflower Seed Bombs.
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1st Class Delivery (approx 5 days) £5.00 on all orders below £50.
Please note for bulk orders the shipping time may be longer, please contact us if your order is required by a specified date.
We endeavour to post all orders out as quickly as possible.